GQ Men book by Assouline - photo by Paola Kudacki
Exploring the Artistic Confluence of Fashion and Photography Through Decades of GQ's Iconic Imagery.
Steve McCurry the iconic photographs - photography book - ©Steve McCurry
A Captivating Journey Through the Lens of a Legendary Storyteller
Finding Order Amidst Chaos
The Art of Organized Gear for Stress-Free Shooting.
William Albert Allard, Five Decades: A Retrospective
A Journey Across Five Decades of Storytelling in Color and Light
Cody York: From BMX Thrills to Cosmic Wonders
Cody York's photographic journey showcases his evolution from capturing BMX's thrilling dynamics to exploring the serene beauty of astrophotography.
Making Small Changes to Achieve the Greatest Results
How the Theory of Marginal Gains Revolutionized British Cycling and Can Help Photographers and Filmmakers Achieve Extraordinary Results Through Dedicated Small Changes
Wayward; Chris Burkard's Life and Stories Behind is Breathtaking Images
Whether you are a fan of surf photography or not, you need to check out Chris Burkard's book, Wayward. This breathtaking collection of photos will transport you to some of the most beautiful and remote locations in the world.
The Comfort Crisis: Embrace Discomfort To Reclaim Your Wild, Happy, Healthy Self | Field Made Co
In the book Comfort Crisis, Micheal Easter argues that our modern, comfortable lives are actually making us unhealthy and unhappy. He makes a strong case for embracing discomfort and provides plenty of examples of people who have found success by doing so. If you're looking to change your life for the better, this book is definitely worth a read!
Tips for Staying Warm and Dry in the Field
Photographers often find themselves working outdoors in cold weather. It's important to take steps to stay warm and dry so that you can continue to take great photos! Here are a few tips for staying comfortable in the field.
A Beginner's Guide to the Exposure Triangle in Photography
If you're new to photography, one of the most important concepts you need to understand is the exposure triangle. This term refers to the three elements that control how an image is exposed: aperture, shutter speed, and ISO. In this beginner's guide, we will explain what each of these elements means and how they work together to create a well-exposed photograph.